Product novelty 25. August 2023

Stacking Master

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ZS Stacking Master
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Torque motor on motor console
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Our Zehnder & Sommer Stacking Master system for the production of electrical sheet stacks offers a wide range of functions covering rotary/skewing operations, die control, monitoring and protection as well as a simple and intuitive user interface for generating and programming complex stacking sequences.

The control and electronics are based on the field-proven and flexible CompactPRESS system from our development partner Unidor and can be adapted and scaled to customer and application requirements.

For the turning and skewing of the punch-out dies, we offer our high-performance torque motor modular system with standardized motor consoles incl. belt tensioning function, shaft and belt pulley and high-precision control technology.

The application-specific design of the motors is part of our service and our system is compatible with all common presses.

We look forward to hearing from you and to presenting you with a suitable solution for your application.