Sustainability 06. August 2021

PROMESS unseals courtyard area

More and more areas are disappearing under concrete and asphalt in Germany - around 52 hectares of land are re-designated as settlement and traffic areas every day. In contrast, PROMESS is setting an example: It unseals 250 square meters of space at its company headquarters in Berlin.

The composite pavement from the 1970s is torn out with a chain excavator, natural stone gravel and topsoil are applied. A natural garden will be created on this, which will be used by the employees to relax and the insects as a source of food. Bee-friendly wood, grass and flowers are planted - a so-called dry grass biotope. Employees can relax on garden chairs under an awning. "Especially in summer it is nice to enjoy the lunch break outdoors or to have a barbecue together on Fridays", says PROMESS managing director Florian Köhnen. From the natural garden there is direct access to the “feel good room” with a bar, table football, table tennis, swings and a drum kit.

The unsealed soil can now absorb rainwater again, which previously accumulated ankle-deep in the parking lot during heavy rain. In the long term, the groundwater reserves are replenished, the soil can bind carbon dioxide and contribute to cooling - an important contribution to curbing climate change.

PROMESS already collects rainwater for toilet flushing in two of three buildings. A photovoltaic system produces 70,000 kWh of electricity per year, and a green roof also cools the building in summer. Employees from different departments have come together to form climate scouts and work out measures for resource-saving production up to the desired climate neutrality. In order to offset the previously unavoidable greenhouse gas emissions, PROMESS has 70,000 euros for regional climate protection certificates and donated to the NGO Ackercrowd.